재호가 택시기사고 자기는 손님이라고 하면서 아로가 재호와 열심히 놀아주네요... 사이좋은 남매들, 왜 딸/아들이 200점인지 알겠다니까요...
Now, my son, Jaeho, is the taxi driver and my daughter, Ahro, is the customer of Jaeho. They are good brother and sister who can be with each other in very small car. Thanks Jaeho for picking up your sister^^
9월 2일 드디어 꽃이 피었습니다. 저도 딸 덕분에 목화를 키워보고, 꽃까지 보네요. 꽃봉오리가 개화하는 것을 보니 남다른 재미가 있네요...
The cotton tree(?) comes into flower. I have grown the tree for the first time, and I have never seen the flower from the free grown by myself. Thanks my daughter for getting the chance!
My family has been growing the cotton flower. I think the flower is just around the corner, maybe it means my daughter will be the winner in this competition. Did you find the flower of youth at this picture?